Hi my Name is Le'shar and I go to Pt England School I live in New Zealand Glen Innes. I have 2 best friends, their names are Phoenix and Julia. Both of them are 12 years old. We have been best friends for 2 years. My culture is Maori and I am 12 years old. I love to play games with my friends and my family sometimes I love to go out with my nana too.
Thursday, 3 December 2020
Friday, 16 October 2020
my school holidays
On the school holidays i went to my mum and dad’s house and on the weekends my mum was always busy cleaning the house so me and my sister’s had to play outside with our friends or we can pick up our other cousins wish they are across the road and by my other uncle’s house and then we went back onto my street to play with my cousins and so we played for ages so then after when we played my cousins told us that “oh we have to go back home now” and then i said why? They said because our dad said “we are not allowed to stay here all night” and so then I took them back to their house and so then I went back home and had dinner with my family and then went to bed. The next day my friends maddie,solomon,ail came over to my house when i was trying to go back to sleep but my mum came into the room and tried and wake me up so then i got up and when into the bathroom and cleaned myself and then i got changed and made me some breakfast and put on my shoes and went to go play with my friends down the road and then my cousins come and see me and my sisters came down as well but my mum and dad had to wake them up so then i said “HURRY UP!!!! OUR FRIENDS AND COUSINS ARE WAITING!!!!!” and then they said ughhhh!!!! “I don’t want to come i want to sleep” and so i said okay whatever you're friends are not going to be happy about it when you're not coming down to play with them and so they got mad and i didn’t care so then i went down and told them that “manaia,meria is not coming down because they want to sleep” and they said “why???? I want to play with your sisters and so i said i know they just don’t wanna play today i’m sorry guys and then they said ah or well what game should we play??? And i said any game would do and so my other friend maddie started talking to my other friend and so they had a fight and so she said that “you can’t touch girls”. And he also said “you can’t touch boys then” and so they carried on until nighttime so then my mum called me “leshar ????? And i said “ YES MUM???? “Hometime!!!” and i said oh no can i stay out here for a little bit longer??. And she said “no you have to have dinner and after that you gotta get ready for bed” and so my 2 friends said i have to go home now bye and i was about to cry,so i didn’t and went back home as well and got ready for bed and sleep.
Thursday, 15 October 2020
ko wai o hoa? who are my friends????.
today we done some maori and we had to create our poster for our work and it's didn't take that long for to do this task hope u enjoy my blog 123456789
Thursday, 24 September 2020
facts about spiders
today we done some facts about spiders and we had to read the book too and we had to do a spider or ay insect but i done a black window spider and aye tarantual spider.
Tuesday, 15 September 2020
leshar,captain cook
Thursday, 10 September 2020
the legend of kava tonga.
One day there lived a family who lived on an island and there were 4 men coming onto the island one of them said “I’m going to stay here for a little bit” and all of them said okay! We will find food for you, you just stay there and the rest of us find food for you and then they head off to find food for the king.
One of them went to look if there was anyone on the same island as them and there was a family on the same island as them so he went up and tried to see if there were far or not far but they were they were in the forest they were just seeing if there plants are okay so he went to talk to a man that was with his wife and then the man stood up and said “hey! What are you doing on my island?!” and then one of the men said oh my king needs some food do you know where is some food for the king? And then he said yes but that’s our last food to eat and then he said oh.. That will be good for the king and so he went off and got the food that he wanted for the king when he got back he told him here you go so he gave it to him and he went out to go back to the king and give it to the king. When they came back the king said thank you! Thank you for the food that you given me that’s was nice of you maybe next time when I come back to this island I must bring something to share with you.
Thursday, 3 September 2020
lesharT2W7 - Persuasive writing - planning
task description: today we done this and i have done this in about 4 mins i think? it's all about keeping your house warm for your family and other people around you
Wednesday, 2 September 2020
what do i want to change?
task description: today we had to pick one thing we wanted to change in the differnet settings above.
Friday, 24 July 2020
greek mytgology
on tusday we done this and i think it was a easy one or a hard one?
Wednesday, 22 July 2020
leshar croatia
today we done some myth and i have lernt and it's was a ture sotry of a girl who diead with she was about the dragon in lake.but he did'nt want any people to steal her from her
Cambodia is a southeast asian nation whoes landsacpe spans low lying plains the mekong delta mountains and gulf of thailand coastline.phnom penh it's captial ,is home to the art deco central market,gittlering royal place and national museum's historical and archaeological exhibits.in the country's
leshar Match 'em up
today we lernt about cambodian myth of lightning and they had a ture story of a gift that there teacher told them and there was a girl her name was vorachnun she was the goddess of seas and she won a gift wish her teacher give to her. and it's about people and family's
Monday, 20 July 2020
about today's Assembly
today we had a immersion assembly and the term is "a world of differnce" it's mean's that differnce food differnce contry and every team has to share what they are doing for this tream and the 1 team was team 1 and they were thinking of how people can have differnce food what do they do after school and than it was team 2.
exploring nz looking for famous land marks.
team 3 the amzing race around the world
and team 4 was finding what the food was from and how to look it up.
team 5 was myth&lengneds and they had to act out or had a movie to go with it and some of it was funny but than when team 5 went up they had to act bc they had no movie for us to watch so we had to watch for 10 mins or so so when they went on stage they begain to act.
Monday, 29 June 2020
my blogpost about ki-o-rahi
Monday, 22 June 2020
my maths for today
Friday, 19 June 2020
the school assembly
Thursday, 18 June 2020
lesharW10T2 Literacy
Wednesday, 10 June 2020
Narrative witring

Monday, 25 May 2020
my te whare tapa wha
Wednesday, 18 March 2020
leshar wk7 maths work
this week my group start our timetables
i have to put this on my blog and my turn in sheet
Thursday, 12 March 2020
leshar fast talking pi
today we done fast talking pi and it is all about selina tusitaka marsh and she is a rap,teacher,wife,poet
Wednesday, 11 March 2020
leshar te whare tapa wha
today we had to do our te whare tapa wha it was not the hard to do but me and my friend have done and we are just done in 10 mins
Start at Te Oro and go down Maybury Street and Elstree Ave to get to the Pt England Reserve.
Then go down line road to get to Pizza Hut. Have a Hawaiian Pizza there!
Then go down Taniwha street to get to Glen Innes Pools. Have a swim.
then go on the motorway to get to Sylvia park
This is just to say
Tuesday, 10 March 2020
leshar wk 6
Today we had to do this maths work and i had some help from Miss Allen I had to solve the problem by putting the blocks in thousand,hundreds,tens and ones.
Monday, 9 March 2020
all about me
we had to do all about me and we had to do one side but i done two and this is my best friends and you can see the next silde
and please leave a comment on our class bolg and ours blog
Wednesday, 26 February 2020
Monday, 17 February 2020
what helps me with my writing
today we had to do a what helps me with my writing and this is what i done for today i hope that u enjoy my blog and please leave a comment on my school blog
walt: explore our identities as authors
Wednesday, 12 February 2020
Thursday, 6 February 2020
All about me
WALT. we are learning to have a positive digital footprint